

Friday, January 16, 2015

My Game Final Reflection

I decided that I wanted to make a maze game. I began by making a blank backdrop, then I made lines to create a maze. When I had a problem, I looked into the script to see what was wrong with it. I then would try other things and see what I could do to fix it. My maze came out better than I intended! I am most proud of the sprites hiding and showing when the backdrops change. I am not really disappointing of anything, I am happy how everything I wanted worked out better than I thought.

My Game Link

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Game

In my game, you are a horse who has to figure out his way through the maze, so you can get your carrot! You travel through the maze and in order for you to get through it, you must eat all of the other food around you so that you can get 50 points. Once you get 50 points, you travel to the carrot and when you eat it, you win!!! My background is plane white, but I painted on a maze for you to travel through. When you eat the food, you get 10 points. Then once you win that level, you move on to the second and final level. In this one, you will have to travel through a tougher maze and get to the end. If you hit the sides, you get brought back tot the starting point. I am going to make the second maze smaller and harder to get through.

Penguin Joke "Conversations" Reflection

I used the broadcast command after every joke and I made it so that everything is broadcasted. I also made it that the penguin had a new joke to say. I thought it was difficult to make it broadcasted.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Scenes Reflection

I used lots of different commands in this project. I made it so when the green flag is clicked, the sprites return to their original spots. Then they start moving and the backdrop changes, when the backdrop changes, then in the script it will allow it to change so that the scene can continue. Other classmates also did a similar thing, where if the background changes, the sprite will do something new.


Nutrition Game